9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
35141 slaggiest 5,715 aegilst 7 35,138
35142 waspiness 5,715 aeinpsw 7 35,140
35143 bispinose 5,714 beinops 7 35,155
35144 belatedly 5,714 abdelty 7 35,154
35145 bacchante 5,714 abcehnt 7 35,152
35146 decompose 5,714 cdemops 7 35,144
35147 newspaper 5,714 aenprsw 7 35,148
35148 glassweed 5,714 adeglsw 7 35,147
35149 tantalums 5,714 almnstu 7 35,143
35150 whipparee 5,714 aehiprw 7 35,156
35151 inlandish 5,714 adhilns 7 35,146
35152 overrelax 5,714 aelorvx 7 35,151
35153 protarsal 5,714 aloprst 7 35,145
35154 odourless 5,714 delorsu 7 35,149
35155 ondoscope 5,714 cdenops 7 35,150
35156 belabored 5,714 abdelor 7 35,153
35157 immigrate 5,713 aegimrt 7 35,161
35158 starfruit 5,713 afirstu 7 35,165
35159 homacanth 5,713 achmnot 7 35,160
35160 allegheny 5,713 aeghlny 7 35,162