9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
36181 kitunahan 5,604 ahikntu 7 36,187
36182 quirewise 5,604 eiqrsuw 7 36,186
36183 adnominal 5,604 adilmno 7 36,180
36184 philonian 5,604 ahilnop 7 36,183
36185 impellers 5,604 eilmprs 7 36,175
36186 unwakened 5,604 adeknuw 7 36,181
36187 visionize 5,604 einosvz 7 36,182
36188 primroses 5,604 eimoprs 7 36,184
36189 trebucket 5,603 bcekrtu 7 36,190
36190 replunder 5,603 delnpru 7 36,195
36191 emotivism 5,603 eimostv 7 36,191
36192 plunderer 5,603 delnpru 7 36,194
36193 nonpapist 5,603 ainopst 7 36,189
36194 makeready 5,603 adekmry 7 36,192
36195 wineberry 5,603 beinrwy 7 36,193
36196 lantanium 5,602 ailmntu 7 36,211
36197 inruption 5,602 inoprtu 7 36,209
36198 holcodont 5,602 cdhlnot 7 36,207
36199 sidestick 5,602 cdeikst 7 36,203
36200 jaggedest 5,602 adegjst 7 36,210