9 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
36201 graftages 5,602 aefgrst 7 36,206
36202 bacillite 5,602 abceilt 7 36,200
36203 semifused 5,602 defimsu 7 36,202
36204 terrorful 5,602 eflortu 7 36,197
36205 ineconomy 5,602 ceimnoy 7 36,208
36206 throbbers 5,602 behorst 7 36,198
36207 crankness 5,602 aceknrs 7 36,205
36208 tzaristic 5,602 acirstz 7 36,199
36209 licorices 5,602 ceilors 7 36,212
36210 revampers 5,602 aemprsv 7 36,196
36211 salesgirl 5,602 aegilrs 7 36,201
36212 squirters 5,602 eiqrstu 7 36,204
36213 paganists 5,601 aginpst 7 36,217
36214 smalltime 5,601 aeilmst 7 36,216
36215 diordinal 5,601 adilnor 7 36,218
36216 rosinwood 5,601 dinorsw 7 36,215
36217 explorers 5,601 eloprsx 7 36,219
36218 ironwoods 5,601 dinorsw 7 36,213
36219 metallism 5,601 aeilmst 7 36,214
36220 carucated 5,600 acdertu 7 36,225