10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9341 scrattling 6,160 acgilnrst 9 7,740
9342 obstructed 6,160 bcdeorstu 9 7,739
9343 cuttlefish 6,160 cefhilstu 9 7,745
9344 silverspot 6,160 eiloprstv 9 7,741
9345 veliferous 6,160 efilorsuv 9 7,743
9346 puritanize 6,160 aeinprtuz 9 7,742
9347 cattlebush 6,160 abcehlstu 9 7,744
9348 asciferous 6,160 acefiorsu 9 7,747
9349 deobstruct 6,160 bcdeorstu 9 7,746
9350 sematology 6,161 aeglmosty 9 7,735
9351 unsplinted 6,161 deilnpstu 9 7,733
9352 metroclyst 6,161 celmorsty 9 7,738
9353 liverworts 6,161 eilorstvw 9 7,737
9354 sutlership 6,161 ehilprstu 9 7,736
9355 rockallite 6,161 aceiklort 9 7,734
9356 clysterize 6,162 ceilrstyz 9 7,730
9357 factorials 6,162 acfilorst 9 7,728
9358 integrally 6,162 aegilnrty 9 7,726
9359 unserviced 6,162 cdeinrsuv 9 7,731
9360 astounding 6,162 adginostu 9 7,729