10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
9301 spiranthic 6,154 achinprst 9 7,786
9302 outwasting 6,154 aginostuw 9 7,783
9303 torrefying 6,154 efginorty 9 7,781
9304 stableward 6,154 abdelrstw 9 7,787
9305 spaniolize 6,154 aeilnopsz 9 7,785
9306 cosmolined 6,154 cdeilmnos 9 7,784
9307 hypothenic 6,154 cehinopty 9 7,788
9308 pyramidate 6,155 adeimprty 9 7,778
9309 obduration 6,155 abdinortu 9 7,775
9310 underditch 6,155 cdehinrtu 9 7,779
9311 ambulantes 6,155 abelmnstu 9 7,776
9312 episodical 6,155 acdeilops 9 7,777
9313 unicolored 6,155 cdeilnoru 9 7,780
9314 presidency 6,156 cdeinprsy 9 7,770
9315 underweigh 6,156 deghinruw 9 7,773
9316 coexisting 6,156 ceginostx 9 7,771
9317 azocorinth 6,156 achinortz 9 7,769
9318 cornigeous 6,156 ceginorsu 9 7,772
9319 outstaying 6,156 aginostuy 9 7,774
9320 hyotherium 6,157 ehimortuy 9 7,765