12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25861 synaesthesis 8,867 aehinsty 8 20,916
25862 intercessors 8,867 ceinorst 8 20,915
25863 rattlesnakes 8,868 aeklnrst 8 20,913
25864 metasilicate 8,868 aceilmst 8 20,914
25865 rencountered 8,869 cdenortu 8 20,911
25866 decemcostate 8,869 acdemost 8 20,912
25867 interventral 8,870 aeilnrtv 8 20,909
25868 materializee 8,870 aeilmrtz 8 20,910
25869 renomination 8,870 aeimnort 8 20,908
25870 afterstretch 8,871 acefhrst 8 20,907
25871 secretitious 8,871 ceiorstu 8 20,906
25872 teratomatous 8,871 aemorstu 8 20,905
25873 extortionist 8,872 einorstx 8 20,904
25874 nondegreased 8,873 adegnors 8 20,902
25875 enchantments 8,873 acehmnst 8 20,903
25876 sordariaceae 8,874 acdeiors 8 20,901
25877 derepression 8,874 deinoprs 8 20,900
25878 weathertight 8,875 aeghirtw 8 20,899
25879 triacetamide 8,876 acdeimrt 8 20,897
25880 pensionaries 8,876 aeinoprs 8 20,898