12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25921 nonfermented 8,894 defmnort 8 20,856
25922 misrehearsed 8,894 adehimrs 8 20,855
25923 botherheaded 8,895 abdehort 8 20,854
25924 septectomies 8,895 ceimopst 8 20,853
25925 heavenliness 8,896 aehilnsv 8 20,851
25926 odontotormae 8,896 ademnort 8 20,852
25927 inheritrices 8,897 cehinrst 8 20,850
25928 cessionaries 8,898 aceinors 8 20,848
25929 reinvitation 8,898 aeinortv 8 20,849
25930 heresiologer 8,898 eghilors 8 20,847
25931 telemetrical 8,899 aceilmrt 8 20,844
25932 dissertative 8,899 adeirstv 8 20,846
25933 interception 8,899 ceinoprt 8 20,845
25934 tameableness 8,899 abelmnst 8 20,843
25935 thoracometer 8,900 acehmort 8 20,842
25936 naphthionate 8,901 aehinopt 8 20,841
25937 levarterenol 8,902 aelnortv 8 20,840
25938 nonresistive 8,903 einorstv 8 20,839
25939 receivedness 8,906 cdeinrsv 8 20,837
25940 transwritten 8,906 aeinrstw 8 20,838