12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26061 recelebrated 8,984 abcdelrt 8 20,716
26062 interspecies 8,984 ceinprst 8 20,715
26063 nonelevation 8,987 aeilnotv 8 20,714
26064 antireactive 8,989 aceinrtv 8 20,713
26065 anticreative 8,989 aceinrtv 8 20,712
26066 descensories 8,989 cdeinors 8 20,711
26067 transmontane 8,990 aemnorst 8 20,710
26068 externalness 8,991 aelnrstx 8 20,709
26069 magnetimeter 8,991 aegimnrt 8 20,708
26070 heathenising 8,993 aeghinst 8 20,704
26071 realienating 8,993 aegilnrt 8 20,707
26072 esteriferous 8,993 efiorstu 8 20,703
26073 triodontidae 8,993 adeinort 8 20,705
26074 anticatalase 8,993 aceilnst 8 20,706
26075 desiderative 8,995 adeirstv 8 20,702
26076 preadherence 8,996 acdehnpr 8 20,701
26077 disinterment 8,999 deimnrst 8 20,698
26078 stretchiness 8,999 cehinrst 8 20,699
26079 undelineated 8,999 adeilntu 8 20,700
26080 enthelmintha 9,000 aehilmnt 8 20,697