12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
26121 ectoskeleton 9,023 ceklnost 8 20,656
26122 demisemitone 9,023 deimnost 8 20,655
26123 photostatted 9,024 adehopst 8 20,653
26124 achaemenidae 9,024 acdehimn 8 20,654
26125 tritopatores 9,025 aeioprst 8 20,649
26126 reinfiltrate 9,025 aefilnrt 8 20,652
26127 intercadence 9,025 acdeinrt 8 20,651
26128 heteromerous 9,025 ehmorstu 8 20,650
26129 argentinidae 9,027 adeginrt 8 20,645
26130 renaturation 9,027 aeinortu 8 20,646
26131 sustentative 9,027 aeinstuv 8 20,648
26132 sternotherus 9,027 ehnorstu 8 20,647
26133 exteriorised 9,027 deiorstx 8 20,644
26134 magnetometer 9,028 aegmnort 8 20,643
26135 intercentral 9,030 aceilnrt 8 20,642
26136 expediteness 9,031 deinpstx 8 20,640
26137 illtreatment 9,031 aeilmnrt 8 20,641
26138 anteposition 9,032 aeinopst 8 20,639
26139 reassurement 9,032 aemnrstu 8 20,638
26140 heterocerous 9,035 cehorstu 8 20,637