12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27161 indeficiency 7,402 cdefiny 7 28,215
27162 philosophies 7,402 ehilops 7 28,216
27163 philosophise 7,402 ehilops 7 28,217
27164 dingledangle 7,403 adegiln 7 28,214
27165 sunburntness 7,408 benrstu 7 28,213
27166 propitiatory 7,409 aioprty 7 28,212
27167 torpedoproof 7,414 defoprt 7 28,211
27168 cachinnating 7,418 acghint 7 28,210
27169 pfeifferella 7,419 aefilpr 7 28,209
27170 meizoseismic 7,421 ceimosz 7 28,208
27171 scandinavian 7,425 acdinsv 7 28,207
27172 micrococceae 7,430 aceimor 7 28,206
27173 sociologists 7,432 cgilost 7 28,205
27174 sacrosciatic 7,435 aciorst 7 28,204
27175 precriticize 7,442 ceiprtz 7 28,203
27176 grallatorial 7,446 agilort 7 28,202
27177 preprimitive 7,447 eimprtv 7 28,201
27178 shieldlessly 7,448 dehilsy 7 28,200
27179 inenubilable 7,450 abeilnu 7 28,199
27180 ammonization 7,451 aimnotz 7 28,198