12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27181 nonanonymity 7,452 aimnoty 7 28,197
27182 aortorrhaphy 7,453 ahoprty 7 28,196
27183 shoppishness 7,456 ehinops 7 28,195
27184 prepronounce 7,457 cenopru 7 28,194
27185 paraphrasian 7,462 ahinprs 7 28,193
27186 incontinuous 7,468 cinostu 7 28,192
27187 pucciniaceae 7,468 aceinpu 7 28,191
27188 propatriotic 7,469 acioprt 7 28,189
27189 languageless 7,469 aeglnsu 7 28,190
27190 nonfireproof 7,473 efinopr 7 28,186
27191 octocorallan 7,473 aclnort 7 28,187
27192 mismarriages 7,473 aegimrs 7 28,185
27193 passangrahan 7,473 aghnprs 7 28,188
27194 concinnating 7,477 acginot 7 28,184
27195 superpetrous 7,482 eoprstu 7 28,183
27196 disquietudes 7,483 deiqstu 7 28,181
27197 numismatists 7,483 aimnstu 7 28,182
27198 unquiescence 7,484 ceinqsu 7 28,180
27199 substitutive 7,486 beistuv 7 28,179
27200 commemorator 7,486 acemort 7 28,178