12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27241 spokesperson 7,554 eknoprs 7 28,137
27242 cionocranial 7,554 acilnor 7 28,136
27243 monosomatous 7,555 amnostu 7 28,135
27244 antigalactic 7,556 acgilnt 7 28,134
27245 nonconformer 7,557 cefmnor 7 28,133
27246 presupervise 7,560 eiprsuv 7 28,132
27247 diplantidian 7,561 adilnpt 7 28,131
27248 angiorrhagia 7,563 aghinor 7 28,130
27249 cantillating 7,566 acgilnt 7 28,129
27250 aesculaceous 7,568 acelosu 7 28,127
27251 caricaturist 7,568 acirstu 7 28,128
27252 nebulousness 7,569 belnosu 7 28,126
27253 malleableize 7,572 abeilmz 7 28,125
27254 conciousness 7,573 ceinosu 7 28,124
27255 inspissating 7,574 aginpst 7 28,122
27256 precollector 7,574 celoprt 7 28,123
27257 subdepressed 7,575 bdeprsu 7 28,121
27258 inappealable 7,575 abeilnp 7 28,120
27259 ensanguining 7,578 aeginsu 7 28,119
27260 celioschisis 7,579 cehilos 7 28,118