12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27381 saramaccaner 7,780 acemnrs 7 27,997
27382 conciliation 7,781 acilnot 7 27,996
27383 fecklessness 7,781 cefklns 7 27,995
27384 unsuperseded 7,781 denprsu 7 27,994
27385 unjocoseness 7,783 cejnosu 7 27,993
27386 constrictors 7,784 cinorst 7 27,991
27387 exflagellate 7,784 aefgltx 7 27,992
27388 monothalaman 7,784 ahlmnot 7 27,990
27389 sedulousness 7,785 delnosu 7 27,989
27390 nondiagnosis 7,786 adginos 7 27,987
27391 orthotropous 7,786 hoprstu 7 27,988
27392 nicotinising 7,789 cginost 7 27,985
27393 undercurrent 7,789 cdenrtu 7 27,986
27394 nonmalleable 7,790 abelmno 7 27,984
27395 supercensure 7,790 cenprsu 7 27,983
27396 citification 7,791 acfinot 7 27,982
27397 leptoprosope 7,792 eloprst 7 27,981
27398 semimildness 7,797 deilmns 7 27,980
27399 underinsured 7,797 deinrsu 7 27,979
27400 tralaticiary 7,802 acilrty 7 27,978