12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27421 tintinnabula 7,826 abilntu 7 27,957
27422 unionization 7,831 ainotuz 7 27,956
27423 fennelflower 7,831 eflnorw 7 27,955
27424 dispositions 7,832 dinopst 7 27,954
27425 tortureproof 7,832 efoprtu 7 27,953
27426 rectocolitic 7,833 ceilort 7 27,952
27427 ipsedixitist 7,833 deipstx 7 27,951
27428 zoocoenocyte 7,841 cenotyz 7 27,950
27429 intimidating 7,842 adgimnt 7 27,949
27430 nonpromotion 7,843 imnoprt 7 27,948
27431 nonadmission 7,844 adimnos 7 27,947
27432 nonoecumenic 7,847 ceimnou 7 27,944
27433 winglessness 7,847 egilnsw 7 27,946
27434 nonsuspended 7,847 denopsu 7 27,945
27435 cerebroscope 7,847 bceoprs 7 27,943
27436 archicerebra 7,848 abcehir 7 27,942
27437 ionicization 7,850 acinotz 7 27,941
27438 ataxiaphasia 7,851 ahipstx 7 27,940
27439 splendidness 7,853 deilnps 7 27,939
27440 untightening 7,855 eghintu 7 27,938