12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27721 demimondaine 8,222 adeimno 7 27,657
27722 nonacceptant 8,223 acenopt 7 27,656
27723 indifference 8,223 cdefinr 7 27,655
27724 edwardsiidae 8,225 adeirsw 7 27,654
27725 stratocratic 8,227 aciorst 7 27,653
27726 revivescence 8,228 ceinrsv 7 27,652
27727 anthoxanthin 8,229 ahinotx 7 27,651
27728 trophosphere 8,230 ehoprst 7 27,650
27729 anacathartic 8,230 achinrt 7 27,649
27730 inconsonance 8,231 aceinos 7 27,648
27731 semiquietist 8,233 eimqstu 7 27,647
27732 erythrophore 8,233 ehoprty 7 27,646
27733 blotlessness 8,234 belnost 7 27,645
27734 hatchetfaced 8,236 acdefht 7 27,644
27735 overseverely 8,239 elorsvy 7 27,643
27736 proprietress 8,239 eioprst 7 27,642
27737 presurrender 8,239 denprsu 7 27,641
27738 assignations 8,241 aginost 7 27,640
27739 autoignition 8,242 aginotu 7 27,639
27740 unregretting 8,243 eginrtu 7 27,638