12 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
27761 underripened 8,265 deinpru 7 27,621
27762 dustlessness 8,267 delnstu 7 27,616
27763 plotlessness 8,267 elnopst 7 27,615
27764 minnesingers 8,273 egimnrs 7 27,613
27765 quantitation 8,273 ainoqtu 7 27,614
27766 andabatarian 8,274 abdinrt 7 27,610
27767 continuation 8,274 acinotu 7 27,611
27768 nondamnation 8,274 adimnot 7 27,612
27769 convenienced 8,275 cdeinov 7 27,609
27770 unidentified 8,279 defintu 7 27,607
27771 indefinitude 8,279 defintu 7 27,608
27772 intraovarian 8,281 ainortv 7 27,606
27773 ellagitannin 8,282 aegilnt 7 27,604
27774 transuranian 8,282 ainrstu 7 27,605
27775 oneirocritic 8,282 ceinort 7 27,603
27776 bonbonnieres 8,284 beinors 7 27,602
27777 tristisonous 8,287 inorstu 7 27,600
27778 reamalgamate 8,287 aeglmrt 7 27,599
27779 inclemencies 8,287 ceilmns 7 27,601
27780 nonimmanence 8,288 aceimno 7 27,596