10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20061 maledicted 6,651 acdeilmt 8 20,060
20062 amidstream 6,651 adeimrst 8 20,056
20063 ectodermic 6,650 cdeimort 8 20,064
20064 nervimotor 6,650 eimnortv 8 20,063
20065 kittenship 6,650 ehiknpst 8 20,067
20066 cohabitant 6,650 abchinot 8 20,065
20067 hemigeusia 6,650 aeghimsu 8 20,066
20068 cogitative 6,649 acegiotv 8 20,072
20069 hexarchies 6,649 acehirsx 8 20,068
20070 orotherapy 6,649 aehoprty 8 20,073
20071 botryolite 6,649 beilorty 8 20,071
20072 government 6,649 egmnortv 8 20,074
20073 semirarely 6,649 aeilmrsy 8 20,069
20074 undiocesed 6,649 cdeinosu 8 20,070
20075 befingered 6,648 bdefginr 8 20,080
20076 uranophane 6,648 aehnopru 8 20,075
20077 albigenses 6,648 abegilns 8 20,079
20078 stonewalls 6,648 aelnostw 8 20,078
20079 smoothbore 6,648 behmorst 8 20,077
20080 ladderwise 6,648 adeilrsw 8 20,076