10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20081 trolleymen 6,647 elmnorty 8 20,084
20082 unsoldered 6,647 delnorsu 8 20,086
20083 boosterism 6,647 beimorst 8 20,081
20084 osteologic 6,647 cegilost 8 20,087
20085 uninsulate 6,647 aeilnstu 8 20,085
20086 tocologies 6,647 cegilost 8 20,083
20087 zemstroist 6,647 eimorstz 8 20,082
20088 castigator 6,647 acgiorst 8 20,088
20089 concettism 6,647 ceimnost 8 20,089
20090 dictyonine 6,646 cdeinoty 8 20,091
20091 apostrophe 6,646 aehoprst 8 20,094
20092 endemicity 6,646 cdeimnty 8 20,093
20093 trabeculae 6,646 abcelrtu 8 20,095
20094 demolished 6,646 dehilmos 8 20,090
20095 lovelihead 6,646 adehilov 8 20,092
20096 unlustered 6,645 delnrstu 8 20,096
20097 fruitiness 6,645 efinrstu 8 20,099
20098 floriation 6,645 afilnort 8 20,098
20099 architrave 6,645 acehirtv 8 20,105
20100 advisories 6,645 adeiorsv 8 20,104