10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
20101 surinamine 6,645 aeimnrsu 8 20,107
20102 petaloidal 6,645 adeilopt 8 20,100
20103 encourager 6,645 acegnoru 8 20,097
20104 rhodophane 6,645 adehnopr 8 20,106
20105 paroptesis 6,645 aeioprst 8 20,108
20106 magdalenes 6,645 adeglmns 8 20,102
20107 abortional 6,645 abilnort 8 20,103
20108 precentory 6,645 cenoprty 8 20,101
20109 elastivity 6,644 aeilstvy 8 20,113
20110 somatoderm 6,644 ademorst 8 20,115
20111 teletyping 6,644 egilnpty 8 20,116
20112 theosophic 6,644 cehiopst 8 20,111
20113 carabinero 6,644 abceinor 8 20,112
20114 facilities 6,644 acefilst 8 20,114
20115 recolonize 6,644 ceilnorz 8 20,110
20116 premadness 6,644 ademnprs 8 20,109
20117 basilicate 6,644 abceilst 8 20,118
20118 actualness 6,644 acelnstu 8 20,117
20119 frondation 6,643 adfinort 8 20,128
20120 surrogates 6,643 aegorstu 8 20,125