10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18961 grassation 6,789 aginorst 8 18,961
18962 anemoscope 6,789 acemnops 8 18,953
18963 harnessing 6,788 aeghinrs 8 18,972
18964 needlebush 6,788 bdehlnsu 8 18,963
18965 noneagerly 6,788 aeglnory 8 18,964
18966 disscepter 6,788 cdeiprst 8 18,970
18967 dissceptre 6,788 cdeiprst 8 18,971
18968 delegating 6,788 adegilnt 8 18,965
18969 syncretist 6,788 ceinrsty 8 18,967
18970 heliophyte 6,788 ehilopty 8 18,973
18971 unerasable 6,788 abelnrsu 8 18,968
18972 precontemn 6,788 cemnoprt 8 18,966
18973 disrespect 6,788 cdeiprst 8 18,969
18974 flirtation 6,787 afilnort 8 18,980
18975 sarawakite 6,787 aeikrstw 8 18,974
18976 antorbital 6,787 abilnort 8 18,977
18977 typewrites 6,787 eiprstwy 8 18,981
18978 sexavalent 6,787 aelnstvx 8 18,975
18979 remodifies 6,787 defimors 8 18,976
18980 filtration 6,787 afilnort 8 18,979