10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18981 extuberant 6,787 abenrtux 8 18,978
18982 totalising 6,786 agilnost 8 18,982
18983 meterstick 6,786 ceikmrst 8 18,985
18984 hemianopia 6,786 aehimnop 8 18,983
18985 diphtheria 6,786 adehiprt 8 18,987
18986 lengthsmen 6,786 eghlmnst 8 18,984
18987 flattening 6,786 aefgilnt 8 18,988
18988 naturalist 6,786 ailnrstu 8 18,986
18989 twinighter 6,785 eghinrtw 8 18,991
18990 uncanonise 6,785 aceinosu 8 18,992
18991 lodemanage 6,785 adeglmno 8 18,989
18992 reknotting 6,785 egiknort 8 18,990
18993 autodialed 6,785 adeilotu 8 18,996
18994 unisonance 6,785 aceinosu 8 18,993
18995 defailance 6,785 acdefiln 8 18,995
18996 comeatable 6,785 abcelmot 8 18,994
18997 comeliness 6,784 ceilmnos 8 19,004
18998 incomeless 6,784 ceilmnos 8 18,998
18999 christiana 6,784 achinrst 8 19,003
19000 monopteros 6,784 emnoprst 8 18,999