10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19001 vehemently 6,784 ehlmntvy 8 19,006
19002 haeckelian 6,784 acehikln 8 19,001
19003 emasculate 6,784 acelmstu 8 19,000
19004 arachnitis 6,784 achinrst 8 18,997
19005 tremolitic 6,784 ceilmort 8 19,005
19006 teratology 6,784 aeglorty 8 19,002
19007 uncensored 6,783 cdenorsu 8 19,007
19008 intermixed 6,783 deimnrtx 8 19,010
19009 denouncers 6,783 cdenorsu 8 19,015
19010 oreotragus 6,783 aegorstu 8 19,012
19011 hematozoon 6,783 aehmnotz 8 19,008
19012 cretinized 6,783 cdeinrtz 8 19,014
19013 arthroderm 6,783 adehmort 8 19,011
19014 semihiatus 6,783 aehimstu 8 19,016
19015 indefluent 6,783 defilntu 8 19,009
19016 coagencies 6,783 aceginos 8 19,013
19017 hydrometer 6,782 dehmorty 8 19,021
19018 tendrillar 6,782 adeilnrt 8 19,017
19019 featherway 6,782 aefhrtwy 8 19,019
19020 illaborate 6,782 abeilort 8 19,022