10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19521 bloodstone 6,718 bdelnost 8 19,517
19522 overthwart 6,718 aehortvw 8 19,527
19523 shipfitter 6,718 efhiprst 8 19,522
19524 homoeanism 6,718 aehimnos 8 19,518
19525 nonelusive 6,718 eilnosuv 8 19,526
19526 intrudress 6,718 deinrstu 8 19,520
19527 insultment 6,718 eilmnstu 8 19,519
19528 deliquiate 6,717 adeilqtu 8 19,530
19529 eliquidate 6,717 adeilqtu 8 19,531
19530 firewarden 6,717 adefinrw 8 19,532
19531 oblongatae 6,717 abeglnot 8 19,528
19532 silverweed 6,717 deilrsvw 8 19,533
19533 rackettail 6,717 aceiklrt 8 19,534
19534 hogarthian 6,717 aghinort 8 19,529
19535 incessable 6,716 abceilns 8 19,538
19536 preventral 6,716 aelnprtv 8 19,536
19537 assistency 6,716 aceinsty 8 19,543
19538 archpirate 6,716 acehiprt 8 19,542
19539 preconsole 6,716 celnoprs 8 19,535
19540 necropoles 6,716 celnoprs 8 19,540