10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19581 fingerroot 6,711 efginort 8 19,588
19582 splashiest 6,711 aehilpst 8 19,583
19583 timberless 6,711 beilmrst 8 19,580
19584 unrational 6,711 ailnortu 8 19,581
19585 tauroesque 6,711 aeoqrstu 8 19,585
19586 sweetishly 6,711 ehilstwy 8 19,584
19587 semilichen 6,711 cehilmns 8 19,582
19588 pervadence 6,711 acdenprv 8 19,586
19589 degreasing 6,710 adeginrs 8 19,593
19590 prekantian 6,710 aeiknprt 8 19,597
19591 unenriched 6,710 cdehinru 8 19,590
19592 sultriness 6,710 eilnrstu 8 19,589
19593 outskirter 6,710 eikorstu 8 19,594
19594 pyrrhotite 6,710 ehioprty 8 19,596
19595 cradleside 6,710 acdeilrs 8 19,592
19596 unticketed 6,710 cdeikntu 8 19,591
19597 lithuresis 6,710 ehilrstu 8 19,595
19598 reclaimers 6,709 aceilmrs 8 19,598
19599 isoborneol 6,709 beilnors 8 19,601
19600 greenwoods 6,709 degnorsw 8 19,599