10 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19561 munitioned 6,713 deimnotu 8 19,563
19562 exaspidean 6,713 adeinpsx 8 19,561
19563 luncheoner 6,713 cehlnoru 8 19,568
19564 abeyancies 6,713 abceinsy 8 19,564
19565 undeported 6,713 denoprtu 8 19,567
19566 twanginess 6,713 aeginstw 8 19,566
19567 preearthly 6,713 aehlprty 8 19,569
19568 bisections 6,713 bceinost 8 19,565
19569 fetterbush 6,713 befhrstu 8 19,562
19570 vicomtesse 6,712 ceimostv 8 19,579
19571 forebodies 6,712 bdefiors 8 19,576
19572 coalitions 6,712 acilnost 8 19,575
19573 misexecute 6,712 ceimstux 8 19,571
19574 retrusible 6,712 beilrstu 8 19,570
19575 vomitories 6,712 eimorstv 8 19,574
19576 parodontia 6,712 adinoprt 8 19,572
19577 adulatress 6,712 adelrstu 8 19,577
19578 sepiaceous 6,712 aceiopsu 8 19,573
19579 brocatelle 6,712 abcelort 8 19,578
19580 imbreviate 6,711 abeimrtv 8 19,587