10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25081 deepfrozen 6,522 defnoprz 8 21,091
25082 importment 6,522 eimnoprt 8 21,090
25083 rusticator 6,522 aciorstu 8 21,088
25084 pretelling 6,523 egilnprt 8 21,087
25085 drowsiness 6,523 deinorsw 8 21,082
25086 villarsite 6,523 aeilrstv 8 21,078
25087 enclosable 6,523 abcelnos 8 21,083
25088 geophagies 6,523 aeghiops 8 21,085
25089 meliorable 6,523 abeilmor 8 21,080
25090 silvertail 6,523 aeilrstv 8 21,081
25091 vishnavite 6,523 aehinstv 8 21,079
25092 fratricide 6,523 acdefirt 8 21,084
25093 brontolith 6,523 bhilnort 8 21,086
25094 misediting 6,524 degimnst 8 21,072
25095 matachinas 6,524 achimnst 8 21,076
25096 oversurety 6,524 eorstuvy 8 21,073
25097 invigilate 6,524 aegilntv 8 21,075
25098 ceriferous 6,524 cefiorsu 8 21,071
25099 hemothorax 6,524 aehmortx 8 21,074
25100 ferroprint 6,524 efinoprt 8 21,068