10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25821 antitropic 6,612 acinoprt 8 20,351
25822 premastery 6,612 aemprsty 8 20,353
25823 gooseliver 6,613 egilorsv 8 20,342
25824 stravaiger 6,613 aegirstv 8 20,345
25825 destructor 6,613 cdeorstu 8 20,347
25826 emoluments 6,613 elmnostu 8 20,340
25827 overthrust 6,613 ehorstuv 8 20,344
25828 inclinator 6,613 acilnort 8 20,348
25829 chancewise 6,613 acehinsw 8 20,346
25830 endocritic 6,613 cdeinort 8 20,341
25831 grewsomest 6,613 egmorstw 8 20,343
25832 girgashite 6,614 aeghirst 8 20,336
25833 divaricate 6,614 acdeirtv 8 20,334
25834 falconinae 6,614 acefilno 8 20,335
25835 unrotating 6,614 aginortu 8 20,338
25836 waldensian 6,614 adeilnsw 8 20,337
25837 podostemon 6,614 demnopst 8 20,339
25838 slightness 6,615 eghilnst 8 20,331
25839 venizelist 6,615 eilnstvz 8 20,332
25840 cyanaurate 6,615 acenrtuy 8 20,330