10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25841 airfreight 6,615 aefghirt 8 20,333
25842 homogonies 6,616 eghimnos 8 20,328
25843 hepatotomy 6,616 aehmopty 8 20,327
25844 hemospasia 6,616 aehimops 8 20,326
25845 steelworks 6,616 eklorstw 8 20,322
25846 dbridement 6,616 bdeimnrt 8 20,329
25847 ectromelic 6,616 ceilmort 8 20,323
25848 frustrated 6,616 adefrstu 8 20,324
25849 saccharine 6,616 acehinrs 8 20,320
25850 retrodural 6,616 adelortu 8 20,325
25851 nearaivays 6,616 aeinrsvy 8 20,319
25852 sidereally 6,616 adeilrsy 8 20,321
25853 parasitize 6,617 aeiprstz 8 20,318
25854 sunderwise 6,617 deinrsuw 8 20,311
25855 admittable 6,617 abdeilmt 8 20,312
25856 officemate 6,617 acefimot 8 20,317
25857 intergrown 6,617 eginortw 8 20,316
25858 collatress 6,617 acelorst 8 20,315
25859 chestnutty 6,617 cehnstuy 8 20,314
25860 elongating 6,617 aegilnot 8 20,310