10 letter Words with the Lowest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
25881 digression 6,620 deginors 8 20,290
25882 consolator 6,620 aclnorst 8 20,289
25883 pennatifid 6,620 adefinpt 8 20,285
25884 unstablest 6,620 abelnstu 8 20,291
25885 inimitable 6,620 abeilmnt 8 20,286
25886 eschatocol 6,620 acehlost 8 20,287
25887 chocolates 6,620 acehlost 8 20,288
25888 aeolotropy 6,621 aeloprty 8 20,275
25889 tailorlike 6,621 aeiklort 8 20,274
25890 scratchier 6,621 acehirst 8 20,272
25891 bromellite 6,621 beilmort 8 20,277
25892 chassepots 6,621 acehopst 8 20,280
25893 preimagine 6,621 aegimnpr 8 20,283
25894 agitatedly 6,621 adegilty 8 20,276
25895 stabilised 6,621 abdeilst 8 20,273
25896 perigonnia 6,621 aeginopr 8 20,282
25897 colorature 6,621 acelortu 8 20,281
25898 carritches 6,621 acehirst 8 20,278
25899 castlelike 6,621 aceiklst 8 20,279
25900 hederiform 6,622 defhimor 8 20,261