11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17341 supermishap 6,108 aehimprsu 9 17,339
17342 schoolwards 6,108 acdhlorsw 9 17,338
17343 uralitizing 6,108 agilnrtuz 9 17,342
17344 unduteously 6,108 delnostuy 9 17,341
17345 hexagonally 6,108 aeghlnoxy 9 17,340
17346 aggrievedly 6,107 adegilrvy 9 17,346
17347 implicately 6,107 aceilmpty 9 17,348
17348 duopolistic 6,107 cdilopstu 9 17,351
17349 ingenuously 6,107 egilnosuy 9 17,349
17350 diphthongic 6,107 cdghinopt 9 17,350
17351 chloragogue 6,107 aceghloru 9 17,347
17352 ribonucleic 6,106 bceilnoru 9 17,356
17353 underpicked 6,106 cdeiknpru 9 17,358
17354 compromised 6,106 cdeimoprs 9 17,352
17355 disputacity 6,106 acdipstuy 9 17,353
17356 gemmiparity 6,106 aegimprty 9 17,354
17357 probosciger 6,106 bcegioprs 9 17,355
17358 outhumoring 6,106 ghimnortu 9 17,357
17359 fluoroscope 6,105 cefloprsu 9 17,362
17360 pansciolism 6,105 acilmnops 9 17,361