11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17421 synspermous 6,093 emnoprsuy 9 17,422
17422 peccadillos 6,093 acdeilops 9 17,419
17423 demagogical 6,093 acdegilmo 9 17,423
17424 reimbursing 6,092 begimnrsu 9 17,426
17425 cytoplastic 6,092 acilopsty 9 17,424
17426 objectivize 6,092 bceijotvz 9 17,428
17427 periclinium 6,092 ceilmnpru 9 17,425
17428 spitscocked 6,092 cdeikopst 9 17,427
17429 coagulating 6,091 acgilnotu 9 17,429
17430 starchworks 6,091 achkorstw 9 17,433
17431 undoubtable 6,091 abdelnotu 9 17,431
17432 cataloguing 6,091 acgilnotu 9 17,430
17433 squirreling 6,091 egilnqrsu 9 17,432
17434 reapproving 6,090 aeginoprv 9 17,435
17435 cyclopaedia 6,090 acdeilopy 9 17,434
17436 billsticker 6,089 bceiklrst 9 17,439
17437 sorbability 6,089 abilorsty 9 17,436
17438 nonfluidity 6,089 dfilnotuy 9 17,437
17439 albuminosis 6,089 abilmnosu 9 17,438
17440 unravishing 6,088 aghinrsuv 9 17,441