11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17381 riskfulness 6,099 efiklnrsu 9 17,379
17382 outfrowning 6,099 fginortuw 9 17,382
17383 schizogenic 6,099 ceghinosz 9 17,384
17384 olfactorily 6,099 acfilorty 9 17,381
17385 showmanship 6,098 ahimnopsw 9 17,385
17386 talofibular 6,098 abfilortu 9 17,386
17387 bichromatic 6,098 abchimort 9 17,392
17388 fimbrillose 6,098 befilmors 9 17,388
17389 overpricing 6,098 ceginoprv 9 17,391
17390 pezizaceous 6,098 aceiopsuz 9 17,389
17391 tubicornous 6,098 bcinorstu 9 17,387
17392 congruistic 6,098 cginorstu 9 17,390
17393 polystellic 6,097 ceilopsty 9 17,397
17394 coxofemoral 6,097 aceflmorx 9 17,401
17395 semicombust 6,097 bceimostu 9 17,395
17396 macrofossil 6,097 acfilmors 9 17,396
17397 cystatrophy 6,097 achoprsty 9 17,398
17398 clinophobia 6,097 abchilnop 9 17,399
17399 uncompelled 6,097 cdelmnopu 9 17,394
17400 complotting 6,097 cgilmnopt 9 17,400