11 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17401 harmonizing 6,097 aghimnorz 9 17,393
17402 imbricating 6,096 abcgimnrt 9 17,404
17403 rollicksome 6,096 ceiklmors 9 17,405
17404 unnavigable 6,096 abegilnuv 9 17,403
17405 undivisible 6,096 bdeilnsuv 9 17,402
17406 precharging 6,095 aceghinpr 9 17,407
17407 hackneyedly 6,095 acdehklny 9 17,409
17408 pluperfects 6,095 ceflprstu 9 17,406
17409 mismatching 6,095 acghimnst 9 17,410
17410 flabbergast 6,095 abefglrst 9 17,408
17411 motorcycled 6,094 cdelmorty 9 17,412
17412 maniculatus 6,094 acilmnstu 9 17,411
17413 physicalist 6,094 achilpsty 9 17,418
17414 disgracious 6,094 acdgiorsu 9 17,414
17415 euphemizing 6,094 eghimnpuz 9 17,415
17416 euphonizing 6,094 eghinopuz 9 17,416
17417 cochleiform 6,094 cefhilmor 9 17,413
17418 leucichthys 6,094 cehilstuy 9 17,417
17419 macrocystis 6,093 acimorsty 9 17,421
17420 planariform 6,093 afilmnopr 9 17,420