12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16861 galvanotonic 7,174 acgilnotv 9 16,861
16862 delinquently 7,173 deilnqtuy 9 16,865
16863 mandarinship 7,173 adhimnprs 9 16,868
16864 desulphurise 7,173 dehilprsu 9 16,862
16865 backstitches 7,173 abcehikst 9 16,864
16866 semioblivion 7,173 beilmnosv 9 16,866
16867 lamblikeness 7,173 abeiklmns 9 16,867
16868 undiscerning 7,173 cdeginrsu 9 16,863
16869 unbreachable 7,172 abcehlnru 9 16,870
16870 accusatrixes 7,172 aceirstux 9 16,873
16871 pennsylvania 7,172 aeilnpsvy 9 16,872
16872 unstaggering 7,172 aeginrstu 9 16,871
16873 noncircuital 7,172 acilnortu 9 16,869
16874 contemptuous 7,171 cemnopstu 9 16,875
16875 benzodiazole 7,171 abdeilnoz 9 16,874
16876 pseudocyesis 7,171 cdeiopsuy 9 16,877
16877 peracephalus 7,171 acehlprsu 9 16,876
16878 semiological 7,171 acegilmos 9 16,878
16879 conveyorizer 7,170 ceinorvyz 9 16,882
16880 strongylosis 7,170 gilnorsty 9 16,879