12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16921 unimmanently 7,159 aeilmntuy 9 16,921
16922 chirographer 7,159 aceghiopr 9 16,922
16923 nonmolecular 7,158 acelmnoru 9 16,926
16924 benzoazurine 7,158 abeinoruz 9 16,923
16925 yarovization 7,158 ainortvyz 9 16,925
16926 supplemental 7,158 aelmnpstu 9 16,924
16927 ophthalmitic 7,158 achilmopt 9 16,927
16928 intervolving 7,157 egilnortv 9 16,928
16929 obliviscence 7,157 bceilnosv 9 16,929
16930 bilification 7,157 abcfilnot 9 16,930
16931 ultroneously 7,156 elnorstuy 9 16,933
16932 breadwinning 7,156 abdeginrw 9 16,931
16933 dodecaphonic 7,156 acdehinop 9 16,934
16934 nonexclusion 7,156 ceilnosux 9 16,932
16935 plesiosaurus 7,155 aeiloprsu 9 16,938
16936 archmagirist 7,155 acghimrst 9 16,939
16937 fibrillation 7,155 abfilnort 9 16,936
16938 strangurious 7,155 aginorstu 9 16,940
16939 tachyphrasia 7,155 achiprsty 9 16,941
16940 overoptimism 7,155 eimoprstv 9 16,937