12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
16981 countercheck 7,141 cehknortu 9 16,981
16982 politicalize 7,141 aceiloptz 9 16,982
16983 syncreticism 7,141 ceimnrsty 9 16,986
16984 merrythought 7,141 eghmortuy 9 16,984
16985 disharmonism 7,141 adhimnors 9 16,979
16986 blennophobia 7,141 abehilnop 9 16,980
16987 merycoidodon 7,141 cdeimnory 9 16,983
16988 misocatholic 7,141 achilmost 9 16,985
16989 glycogenesis 7,140 cegilnosy 9 16,990
16990 crossroading 7,140 acdginors 9 16,991
16991 xanthorrhiza 7,140 ahinortxz 9 16,993
16992 priapuloidea 7,140 adeilopru 9 16,989
16993 melanoplakia 7,140 aeiklmnop 9 16,992
16994 proctologist 7,139 cgiloprst 9 16,995
16995 absinthismic 7,139 abchimnst 9 16,996
16996 spioniformia 7,139 afimnoprs 9 16,994
16997 infibulation 7,138 abfilnotu 9 16,998
16998 strumiferous 7,138 efimorstu 9 16,997
16999 juglandaceae 7,137 acdegjlnu 9 17,001
17000 androphorous 7,137 adhnoprsu 9 16,999