12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17001 managerially 7,137 aegilmnry 9 17,002
17002 schizostelic 7,137 cehilostz 9 17,000
17003 unsusceptive 7,136 ceinpstuv 9 17,005
17004 phacotherapy 7,136 acehoprty 9 17,007
17005 unsuspective 7,136 ceinpstuv 9 17,006
17006 glossiphonia 7,136 aghilnops 9 17,004
17007 aeluropodous 7,136 adeloprsu 9 17,008
17008 misworshiper 7,136 ehimoprsw 9 17,003
17009 dysoxidation 7,135 adinostxy 9 17,010
17010 diamorphosis 7,135 adhimoprs 9 17,009
17011 patriarchism 7,134 achimprst 9 17,012
17012 periproctous 7,134 ceioprstu 9 17,013
17013 spirituality 7,134 ailprstuy 9 17,011
17014 scorpionwort 7,134 cinoprstw 9 17,014
17015 focalization 7,133 acfilnotz 9 17,016
17016 dishonouring 7,133 dghinorsu 9 17,015
17017 thinkingpart 7,132 aghiknprt 9 17,017
17018 unadjustment 7,131 adejmnstu 9 17,018
17019 bibliotheque 7,131 behiloqtu 9 17,020
17020 cannibalizes 7,131 abceilnsz 9 17,021