12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17061 shibbolethic 7,121 bcehilost 9 17,059
17062 buccaneering 7,121 abceginru 9 17,061
17063 untyrannical 7,120 acilnrtuy 9 17,066
17064 pseudopodian 7,120 adeinopsu 9 17,065
17065 applications 7,120 acilnopst 9 17,064
17066 unnaturalism 7,120 ailmnrstu 9 17,067
17067 melanocomous 7,120 acelmnosu 9 17,063
17068 vilification 7,119 acfilnotv 9 17,072
17069 overcoloring 7,119 cegilnorv 9 17,070
17070 claudication 7,119 acdilnotu 9 17,071
17071 karyomitosis 7,119 aikmorsty 9 17,068
17072 necrological 7,119 acegilnor 9 17,069
17073 profoundness 7,118 defnoprsu 9 17,073
17074 mongrelising 7,117 egilmnors 9 17,074
17075 undesignedly 7,117 degilnsuy 9 17,075
17076 unpermanency 7,116 acemnpruy 9 17,076
17077 volatilising 7,116 agilnostv 9 17,078
17078 insufflation 7,116 afilnostu 9 17,077
17079 concessively 7,116 ceilnosvy 9 17,079
17080 hydrotherapy 7,116 adehoprty 9 17,080