12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17561 preaffidavit 6,985 adefiprtv 9 17,561
17562 malapterurus 6,985 aelmprstu 9 17,560
17563 sericocarpus 6,985 aceioprsu 9 17,564
17564 propoundment 6,985 demnoprtu 9 17,562
17565 exhibitively 6,985 behiltvxy 9 17,566
17566 septemfluous 6,985 eflmopstu 9 17,563
17567 predisposing 6,984 deginoprs 9 17,568
17568 undiscipline 6,984 cdeilnpsu 9 17,567
17569 warmongering 6,983 aegimnorw 9 17,569
17570 larghissimos 6,982 aghilmors 9 17,571
17571 helmsmanship 6,982 aehilmnps 9 17,574
17572 macronuclear 6,982 acelmnoru 9 17,572
17573 calculations 6,982 acilnostu 9 17,575
17574 miscalculate 6,982 aceilmstu 9 17,573
17575 participable 6,982 abceilprt 9 17,570
17576 overiodizing 6,981 deginorvz 9 17,577
17577 feedingstuff 6,981 defginstu 9 17,578
17578 carunculated 6,981 acdelnrtu 9 17,576
17579 uncommenting 6,980 cegimnotu 9 17,582
17580 overnarrowly 6,980 aelnorvwy 9 17,581