12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17581 apochromatic 6,980 achimoprt 9 17,579
17582 carpetbagged 6,980 abcdegprt 9 17,580
17583 politicising 6,979 cgilnopst 9 17,585
17584 stoichiology 6,979 cghilosty 9 17,583
17585 verticillary 6,979 aceilrtvy 9 17,584
17586 kalandariyah 6,978 adhiklnry 9 17,588
17587 epigrammatic 6,978 acegimprt 9 17,586
17588 succinctoria 6,978 acinorstu 9 17,587
17589 lithophytous 6,978 hilopstuy 9 17,589
17590 mesmerically 6,977 aceilmrsy 9 17,590
17591 stealthfully 6,977 aefhlstuy 9 17,592
17592 unimaginable 6,977 abegilmnu 9 17,593
17593 paedological 6,977 acdegilop 9 17,591
17594 phacochoerus 6,976 acehoprsu 9 17,597
17595 zoosporangia 6,976 aginoprsz 9 17,596
17596 repopularize 6,976 aeilopruz 9 17,598
17597 erythroxylon 6,976 ehlnortxy 9 17,594
17598 hyalographer 6,976 aeghlopry 9 17,595
17599 scirtopodous 6,976 cdioprstu 9 17,599
17600 unguentarium 6,975 aegimnrtu 9 17,602