12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17641 ineffectibly 6,960 bcefilnty 9 17,643
17642 mastological 6,960 acgilmost 9 17,642
17643 malacologist 6,960 acgilmost 9 17,641
17644 spermatozzoa 6,959 aemoprstz 9 17,646
17645 hypnotherapy 6,959 aehnoprty 9 17,645
17646 diazotizable 6,959 abdeilotz 9 17,644
17647 asynchronous 6,958 achnorsuy 9 17,649
17648 puncticulate 6,958 aceilnptu 9 17,648
17649 germiculture 6,958 cegilmrtu 9 17,647
17650 chloroplasts 6,957 achloprst 9 17,650
17651 jarovization 6,957 aijnortvz 9 17,651
17652 cerambycidae 6,956 abcdeimry 9 17,654
17653 hydrochoerus 6,956 cdehorsuy 9 17,653
17654 opisthodomus 6,956 dhimopstu 9 17,652
17655 strychninism 6,955 chimnrsty 9 17,657
17656 omnihumanity 6,955 ahimnotuy 9 17,656
17657 brassbounder 6,955 abdenorsu 9 17,655
17658 exsanguinous 6,955 aeginosux 9 17,659
17659 scammonyroot 6,955 acmnorsty 9 17,658
17660 autoimmunize 6,954 aeimnotuz 9 17,660