12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
17681 punctulation 6,948 acilnoptu 9 17,681
17682 pantological 6,948 acgilnopt 9 17,680
17683 benzofulvene 6,947 beflnouvz 9 17,686
17684 arrogatingly 6,947 agilnorty 9 17,685
17685 acromiohyoid 6,947 acdhimory 9 17,684
17686 counterfugue 6,947 cefgnortu 9 17,688
17687 bronchogenic 6,947 bceghinor 9 17,687
17688 marcobrunner 6,947 abcemnoru 9 17,683
17689 auscultating 6,946 acgilnstu 9 17,689
17690 uncatholical 6,946 achilnotu 9 17,690
17691 gastrocystic 6,945 acgiorsty 9 17,693
17692 confiscating 6,945 acfginost 9 17,692
17693 toxicophidia 6,945 acdhioptx 9 17,691
17694 acetylthymol 6,944 acehlmoty 9 17,696
17695 cathodograph 6,944 acdghoprt 9 17,698
17696 flagellatory 6,944 aefglorty 9 17,694
17697 helicoidally 6,944 acdehiloy 9 17,695
17698 antilynching 6,944 acghilnty 9 17,697
17699 unvisualised 6,944 adeilnsuv 9 17,701
17700 ophthalmagra 6,944 aghlmoprt 9 17,699