12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18821 surroundedly 6,546 delnorsuy 9 18,821
18822 mosquitofish 6,546 fhimoqstu 9 18,822
18823 algebraizing 6,545 abegilnrz 9 18,823
18824 micracoustic 6,544 acimorstu 9 18,824
18825 disgavelling 6,544 adegilnsv 9 18,826
18826 poikiloblast 6,544 abiklopst 9 18,825
18827 circularizes 6,543 aceilrsuz 9 18,827
18828 officialized 6,543 acdefiloz 9 18,828
18829 chromoparous 6,542 achmoprsu 9 18,829
18830 paludamentum 6,541 adelmnptu 9 18,830
18831 flocculation 6,540 acfilnotu 9 18,832
18832 strabismally 6,540 abilmrsty 9 18,833
18833 stringmaking 6,540 agikmnrst 9 18,834
18834 paulicianism 6,540 acilmnpsu 9 18,831
18835 concludently 6,539 cdelnotuy 9 18,835
18836 supraliminal 6,538 ailmnprsu 9 18,836
18837 unmanageably 6,538 abeglmnuy 9 18,837
18838 corporalship 6,536 achiloprs 9 18,840
18839 tuberculinic 6,536 bceilnrtu 9 18,838
18840 homovanillic 6,536 achilmnov 9 18,839