12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18861 superpolymer 6,526 elmoprsuy 9 18,861
18862 phosphorical 6,526 achiloprs 9 18,863
18863 complicacies 6,526 aceilmops 9 18,862
18864 dichotically 6,525 acdhiloty 9 18,864
18865 inconsolably 6,524 abcilnosy 9 18,865
18866 quenchlessly 6,524 cehlnqsuy 9 18,866
18867 colopexotomy 6,524 celmoptxy 9 18,868
18868 bowstringing 6,524 bginorstw 9 18,867
18869 sanguivorous 6,522 aginorsuv 9 18,869
18870 pronominally 6,521 ailmnopry 9 18,870
18871 insularizing 6,521 agilnrsuz 9 18,871
18872 nonabidingly 6,520 abdgilnoy 9 18,872
18873 bourignonism 6,519 bgimnorsu 9 18,873
18874 aneurysmally 6,518 aelmnrsuy 9 18,874
18875 spinicarpous 6,518 acinoprsu 9 18,875
18876 commonplaces 6,517 acelmnops 9 18,876
18877 paucitypause 6,517 aceipstuy 9 18,877
18878 unmultiplied 6,516 deilmnptu 9 18,879
18879 disgruntling 6,516 dgilnrstu 9 18,878
18880 oxyquinoline 6,515 eilnoquxy 9 18,880