12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
18841 microbeproof 6,534 bcefimopr 9 18,843
18842 vindictively 6,534 cdeilntvy 9 18,842
18843 uninferribly 6,534 befilnruy 9 18,841
18844 gynaecologic 6,533 acegilnoy 9 18,844
18845 soliloquizer 6,532 eiloqrsuz 9 18,845
18846 unoriginally 6,532 agilnoruy 9 18,846
18847 pelecypodous 6,532 cdelopsuy 9 18,848
18848 biophysicist 6,532 bchiopsty 9 18,847
18849 mizzentopman 6,531 aeimnoptz 9 18,849
18850 pacificatory 6,531 acfioprty 9 18,850
18851 buginvillaea 6,530 abegilnuv 9 18,851
18852 nonclimbable 6,529 abceilmno 9 18,852
18853 unvirulently 6,529 eilnrtuvy 9 18,855
18854 pyrenocarpic 6,529 aceinopry 9 18,854
18855 subbrigadier 6,529 abdegirsu 9 18,853
18856 superfusible 6,528 befilprsu 9 18,856
18857 nonmunicipal 6,527 acilmnopu 9 18,858
18858 equilibrious 6,527 beiloqrsu 9 18,860
18859 nucleophilic 6,527 cehilnopu 9 18,859
18860 unquarreling 6,527 aegilnqru 9 18,857