12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19121 pulpitolatry 6,392 ailoprtuy 9 19,120
19122 noncorruptly 6,390 clnoprtuy 9 19,122
19123 botryoidally 6,390 abdilorty 9 19,124
19124 iniquitously 6,390 ilnoqstuy 9 19,123
19125 confoundedly 6,390 cdeflnouy 9 19,125
19126 uninsightful 6,389 fghilnstu 9 19,128
19127 cryptopapist 6,389 acioprsty 9 19,126
19128 lobotomizing 6,389 bgilmnotz 9 19,127
19129 malacopodous 6,388 acdlmopsu 9 19,129
19130 satisfyingly 6,388 afgilnsty 9 19,131
19131 barkevikitic 6,388 abceikrtv 9 19,130
19132 unundulatory 6,387 adlnortuy 9 19,133
19133 pyrophyllite 6,387 ehiloprty 9 19,132
19134 zoopathology 6,387 aghloptyz 9 19,134
19135 microgeology 6,386 cegilmory 9 19,135
19136 adelphophagy 6,386 adeghlopy 9 19,136
19137 highfaluting 6,385 afghilntu 9 19,137
19138 renullifying 6,384 efgilnruy 9 19,138
19139 laurinoxylon 6,383 ailnoruxy 9 19,139
19140 calycophoran 6,382 achlnopry 9 19,141