12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19181 apographical 6,365 acghilopr 9 19,184
19182 spirituously 6,365 iloprstuy 9 19,181
19183 woodwardship 6,365 adhioprsw 9 19,183
19184 ecotypically 6,365 aceilopty 9 19,182
19185 sarcoplasmic 6,364 acilmoprs 9 19,187
19186 archvillainy 6,364 achilnrvy 9 19,185
19187 subantiquity 6,364 abinqstuy 9 19,186
19188 scalawaggery 6,363 aceglrswy 9 19,188
19189 idiosyncracy 6,363 acdinorsy 9 19,190
19190 achluophobia 6,363 abchilopu 9 19,189
19191 soliloquized 6,362 deiloqsuz 9 19,193
19192 cyclopropane 6,362 acelnopry 9 19,191
19193 preindulging 6,362 degilnpru 9 19,192
19194 aquapuncture 6,361 acenpqrtu 9 19,194
19195 lysigenously 6,361 egilnosuy 9 19,195
19196 postscriptum 6,361 cimoprstu 9 19,196
19197 overfruitful 6,360 efilortuv 9 19,197
19198 unadvancedly 6,359 acdelnuvy 9 19,199
19199 unincludable 6,359 abcdeilnu 9 19,200
19200 clubbishness 6,359 bcehilnsu 9 19,198