12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19241 unprejudiced 6,335 cdeijnpru 9 19,241
19242 malodorously 6,334 adlmorsuy 9 19,242
19243 cuprosilicon 6,333 cilnoprsu 9 19,244
19244 chrysamphora 6,333 achmoprsy 9 19,243
19245 pericyclonic 6,333 ceilnopry 9 19,245
19246 moneygrubber 6,332 begmnoruy 9 19,246
19247 episcopizing 6,331 ceginopsz 9 19,247
19248 nonproducing 6,330 cdginopru 9 19,248
19249 unapplausive 6,329 aeilnpsuv 9 19,250
19250 leucoplakial 6,329 aceiklopu 9 19,249
19251 conductivity 6,329 cdinotuvy 9 19,251
19252 spongicolous 6,328 cgilnopsu 9 19,252
19253 unliturgical 6,327 acgilnrtu 9 19,253
19254 unpulverable 6,327 abelnpruv 9 19,254
19255 adjudicating 6,327 acdgijntu 9 19,255
19256 dissyllabize 6,327 abdeilsyz 9 19,256
19257 plasmacytoma 6,326 aclmopsty 9 19,257
19258 ichthyomancy 6,325 achimnoty 9 19,258
19259 symphonising 6,325 ghimnopsy 9 19,259
19260 unnumerously 6,324 elmnorsuy 9 19,260