12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19281 unthoroughly 6,315 ghlnortuy 9 19,281
19282 octosyllabic 6,315 abcilosty 9 19,279
19283 unfollowable 6,315 abeflnouw 9 19,282
19284 imputability 6,314 abilmptuy 9 19,286
19285 autarkically 6,314 aciklrtuy 9 19,285
19286 phlegmagogue 6,314 aeghlmopu 9 19,284
19287 acetylglycin 6,313 acegilnty 9 19,287
19288 unvenomously 6,313 elmnosuvy 9 19,288
19289 unvitalizing 6,312 agilntuvz 9 19,289
19290 macrocladous 6,311 acdlmorsu 9 19,290
19291 clupanodonic 6,311 acdilnopu 9 19,291
19292 ungratifying 6,311 afginrtuy 9 19,292
19293 scullionship 6,310 chilnopsu 9 19,293
19294 hypnophobias 6,310 abhinopsy 9 19,294
19295 accumulators 6,309 aclmorstu 9 19,295
19296 ampullaceous 6,308 acelmopsu 9 19,296
19297 undissolving 6,308 dgilnosuv 9 19,297
19298 psychognosis 6,305 cghinopsy 9 19,298
19299 lithoglyptic 6,305 cghilopty 9 19,299
19300 spirographic 6,304 acghioprs 9 19,300