12 letter Words with the Highest Letter Frequency Scores

#WordFrequency ScoreLetters (Alpha)Unique Letter CountRanking (Len)
19321 malocclusion 6,289 acilmnosu 9 19,321
19322 rhizophilous 6,287 hiloprsuz 9 19,322
19323 disapprovals 6,286 adiloprsv 9 19,325
19324 nonambiguous 6,286 abgimnosu 9 19,326
19325 disaffirming 6,286 adfgimnrs 9 19,324
19326 photomapping 6,286 aghimnopt 9 19,323
19327 dyophysitism 6,285 dhimopsty 9 19,328
19328 pictorically 6,285 aciloprty 9 19,327
19329 sphygmophone 6,284 eghmnopsy 9 19,329
19330 unhabitually 6,284 abhilntuy 9 19,331
19331 uncoagulable 6,284 abceglnou 9 19,330
19332 microsclerum 6,283 ceilmorsu 9 19,332
19333 pugilistical 6,283 acgilpstu 9 19,334
19334 cephalophyma 6,283 acehlmopy 9 19,333
19335 nontypically 6,282 acilnopty 9 19,336
19336 hypoplankton 6,282 ahklnopty 9 19,337
19337 plasmocytoma 6,282 aclmopsty 9 19,335
19338 stridulously 6,282 dilorstuy 9 19,338
19339 achlorhydric 6,282 acdhilory 9 19,339
19340 flabellarium 6,281 abefilmru 9 19,340